Vancouver: A Tale of Mining, Society, Risks and Money – Are We Done with Silo Thinking?

May 5, 2015 all-day
Segal Graduate School of Business - Simon Fraser University
Simon Fraser University at Harbour Centre
500 Granville Street #2800, Vancouver, BC V6C 1W6

CIM MES Vancouver is pleased to present:

Franco Oboni

President, Riskope

who will deliver a presentation on


A Tale of Mining, Society, Risks and Money – Are We Done with Silo Thinking?


The presentation shows through examples how to understand the holistic risk landscape of a company, quantify risks and calibrate durable, economically and societally responsible mitigations.

Examples drawn from Riskope’s practice from Pacific NW (concentrate and potash transportation) to Asia (coal), Europe (Army cyber-defense) and Latin America (copper), will illustrate modern risk based decision making capabilities, including, of course their financial, and human implications.

The integrated approaches described in the case studies illustrate how best practices allow corporation of diverse nature, for example, mining, transportation, wharves, etc. “to boldly go where no corporation has gone before” benefiting from a strong competitive leading edge.



Consultant in Integrated Risk Management and Decision Making since 1992, author, lecturer and teacher, president of Riskope. Civil Engineer (Polytechnic University of Lausanne) and Ph.D. in Probabilities Applied to Engineering.

He integrates quantitative approaches to risk with social tolerability, reputational and image damages. Worked for over 50 mines worldwide as well as the transportation logistic risks, but also in risk approaches for humanitarian demining, and mega projects.

Deep cross-cultural understanding (works in five languages and four continents) and industrial and business practices for projects up to 10B$.


Tuesday, 5 May 2015

4:00 – 6:00pm

Segal Graduate School of Business – Simon Fraser University
500 Granville Street, Vancouver, BC
Room 2800


4:00 pm – Registration
4:30 pm – Presentation and Q&A
5:50 pm – Closing Remarks


Seminar is complimentary and seats are limited. Register by Sunday, May 3, to secure your place. Please RSVP by replying to if you are interested in attending. This is an excellent networking opportunity and there is no charge to attend.


Thank you to our sponsor, Simon Fraser University’s Segal Graduate School of Business, for providing the space!

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