For its Wednesday, September 27th, meeting, the Toronto Discussion Group of CIM’s Management and Economics Society is pleased to welcome:
Peter G. Hall
Vice-President and Chief Economist
Export Development Canada
who will deliver a presentation on:
Is the Compass Pointing North Again?
Abstract: Metals prices are on the rise. The CRB metals sub index is up 11 per cent since June, taking it back to early 2014 levels. At the same time, global growth is on an upswing. Forecasts of the world economy are being revised upward. Could this be the long-awaited revival in activity, or is this just another in a long list of false starts? Will anti-globalization fervor be the show stopper? Or will interest rate tightening slam the door on budding growth? As a key mining economy, Canada is affected by the answers to all of these questions. NAFTA renegotiation has a lot of businesses on the edge of their seats, wondering about future activity and their present-day investment plans. Will the new NAFTA deal be a better or worse one for us? Is the CETA deal, and possible deals with China, India and others the answer? There are lots of questions – hear views on these questions and others in an engaging and interactive presentation.
BIO: Peter Hall joined Export Development Canada (EDC) in November 2004. With over 25 years of experience in economic analysis and forecasting, Mr. Hall is responsible for overseeing EDC’s economic analysis, country risk assessment and corporate research groups. In addition to preparing strategic advice for senior management at EDC, Mr. Hall is a featured speaker at conferences, international roundtables and policy fora, and regularly appears in television, radio and print media commenting on the world economy and Canadian international trade issues. He produces a widely circulated print and video weekly commentary covering an eclectic range of current global economic issues.
Prior to joining EDC, Mr. Hall directed the economic forecasting activities of the Conference Board of Canada. Mr. Hall has served as president of both the Canadian Association for Business Economics, a 600-member national association of professional economists, and its largest local chapter, the Ottawa Economics Association. He has also been a volunteer board and committee member for two Ottawa area private schools. Mr. Hall has degrees in economics from both Carleton University and the University of Toronto.
EDC is Canada’s trade finance agency, providing financing and insurance solutions locally and around the world to help Canadian companies of any size respond to international business opportunities. As a profitable Crown corporation that operates on commercial principles, EDC works together with private- and public- sector financial institutions to create greater capacity for Canadian companies to engage in trade and investment.
Please join us!
Wednesday, September 27, 2017
Refreshments at 4:15pm – Presentation at 4:35pm
Borden Ladner Gervais LLP
Bay Adelaide Centre, East Tower
22 Adelaide Street West, 34th floor, Toronto
Seminar is complimentary and seats are limited. Register by Monday, September 25 to secure your place. Please RSVP by replying to if you are interested in attending. This is also an excellent networking opportunity and there is no charge to attend. So we can best service all who are interested and able to join us at this upcoming event please register for it if you are confident that you are indeed able to attend it. Thank you for your interest and understanding.
Thank you to our sponsor, Borden Ladner Gervais LLP, for providing the space.
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