Toronto: Mining Financial Modeling (Two-day Course)

November 30, 2016 – December 1, 2016 all-day

 Mining Financial Modeling

Short Course (Two-day Course)


Wednesday November 30 & Thursday December 1, 2016 between 8:30am – 5:00pm EDT


Location: TBD





This course focuses on the skills required to design and create a dynamic financial model of a mining company that is developing an open pit mine to produce base and precious metals. Issues related to mining, milling and processing will be discussed. The course material includes model design, logic, construction and financial concepts to create a best-in-class financial model of a mining company. Various intermediate Excel tools along with helpful keyboard shortcuts will also be covered throughout the course.



Design and structure of a financial model

  • Logical design and layout
  • Clearly-defined inputs and assumptions sections


Development of powerful scenarios and financial statements

  • Use of switches to create effective scenarios and value drivers
  • Timing flexibility for construction, mining and milling
  • Forecasting of project revenues and expenses
  • Detailed schedules for hedging of primary and secondary metals
  • Variable and fixed operating costs including mining, milling and treatment and refining charges
  • Capital costs related to development, maintenance, reclamation and closure
  • Resource and income taxes


Evaluation of a mining project and company

  • NPV, NAV, IRR, payback period
  • Sensitivity analysis
  • Detailed summary page for displaying results



Participants design and create a financial model to determine the value of a mining company developing an open-pit mine. Participants leave the course with a dynamic model which evaluates the net present value of the project, internal rate of return as well as payback and discounted payback periods.



Duncan McKeen, CFA
Principal, The Marquee Group




Duncan is a Principal of The Marquee Group. He has taught finance courses at the Queen’s University School of Business, and has extensive experience in equity research where he focused on the resource sector. Prior to joining the financial community, Duncan worked with Ingersoll-Rand. He received his Master of Finance degree from the Queen’s University School of Business and a Bachelor of Engineering degree from McGill University. He is also a CFA charterholder.

The Marquee Group has developed a framework and discipline for model design, structure and development. Marquee has provided training to professionals at financial institutions, corporations, professional organizations and universities since 2002.



This course is suited to mining company employees, capital market participants and others involved in analysis and evaluation of mining assets or companies, and who aim to develop their modeling skills.

Prerequisites: Participants should have an understanding of the fundamentals of accounting and proficiency in Excel. Included in registration fee: A printed copy of the course material and an electronic copy of the completed financial model. Participants must bring a laptop to the course.


REGISTRATION (Prices are subject to 13% HST)

Registration (closes November 25, 2016): $1,200

Early Bird Pricing (until October 31, 2016): $1,050


Please click HERE to register!


CPD/CE Credits: The Association of Professional Geoscientists of Ontario (APGO) considers participation of its members in this course as an acceptable Continuing Professional Development activity.

Cancellations are not permitted within 72 hours of the start of the event, but you may send someone else in your place. For complete cancellation and refund policy, click HERE.


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