CIM MES is delighted to announce that the 2019 CIM MES-Richard Leblanc Scholarship recipient is Cassandra Ranger.

Cassandra Ranger is a 3rd-year student in the department of Harquail School of Earth Sciences at Laurentian University. Cassandra is studying for her B.Sc in Environmental Geoscience and plans on graduating in 2021. This summer, she will be working at Glencore Fraser Mine in Sudbury, Ontario to gain hands-on experience and put her gained knowledge from class to real-life experiences.
Growing up in the famous mining town of Sudbury, Ontario, Cassandra was inspired by the city’s re-greening project and the amazing geology of this small city to specialize her studies in Mining reclamation and remediation. In the upcoming years, she hopes to continue to learn more about the fantastic science of geology and the environment to one day work in this fast-growing mining industry.
Additional CIM MES scholarship details: