Toronto: Where to Invest with Alastair McIntyre

October 28, 2015 all-day
Borden Ladner Gervais LLP
Scotia Plaza
40 King St W, Toronto, ON M5H 3Y2

You are invited to the Wednesday, October 28th meeting (at 4:15 pm) of the Discussion Group of CIM’s Management and Economics Society, for a presentation by:

Alastair McIntyre
Senior Managing Director, Behre Dolbear


Today’s mining industry is faced with multiple challenges involving complex technical, financial and geopolitical risks. The sharp drop in mineral prices have led to the decline in the number of mining and metals transactions and has put pressure on foreign direct investment of countries potentially hosting new production. Alastair McIntyre, Senior Managing Director, Behre Dolbear will discuss these and other recent macro mining industry trends that have been affecting the mining industry during the October CIM-MES Discussion Group meeting.

About Alastair McIntyre

Alastair McIntyre is located in Toronto and has the responsibility of managing the Asia office and the global financial practice for Behre Dolbear. Alastair has executed many complex-financing deals in addition to working on numerous multi mineral technical projects spanning a career in banking, mining, private equity and advisory services in Toronto, New York, Sydney and most recently returning to Canada after 12 years in Hong Kong. In his current roles, Mr. McIntyre has overseen numerous technical due diligence projects, valuations and Independent Technical Reports in multi metals and minerals transactions to support bank financing, equity and M&A transactions.

About Behre Dolbear

Behre Dolbear is a global minerals industry advisory firm providing a wide-range of technical and financial expertise to clients throughout the resource sector. Behre Dolbear consults international development and export credit agencies, financial institutions, insurers, private investors, mineral producers and consumers, trading companies, legal and accounting firms, and governments. Annually, we participate in some 200 jobs in 60 countries utilizing a base of approximately 200 independent experts to support our business.

Wednesday, October 28, 2015

Refreshments at 4:15pm – Presentation at 4:35 pm


Borden Ladner Gervais LLP
Scotia Plaza, 40 King St W, 44th floor, Toronto


All are welcome to this excellent networking and learning opportunity.

Please RSVP by email to if you are interested in attending.


Thank you to our sponsor, Borden Ladner Gervais LLP for again providing the space!


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