Calgary: De Beers Canada – A Decade of Historic Production

February 21, 2018 all-day
Fairmont Palliser Hotel
133 9 Ave SW
AB T2P 2M3

CIM Calgary Branch, in collaboration with CIM MES, is pleased to present:

Tom Ormsby

Head of External and Corporate Affairs – De Beers Canada


who will deliver a presentation on:

De Beers Canada – A Decade of Historic Production


2018 marks the tenth anniversary of De Beers entering diamond production in Canada with the opening of not one, but two unique Canadian diamond mines within a 24-hour period – Ontario’s first and only diamond mine with the Victor Mine, and Canada’s first and only completely underground diamond mine with the Snap Lake Mine in the
Northwest Territories.

With 12 and 20-year life-of-mine ore bodies respectively, the opening of the two mines for the world’s largest diamond company signaled a long-term commitment to Canada by De Beers, a country that De Beers had been actively involved in regarding exploration since the early 1960’s.

Concurrent to the two mine openings in 2008 was the pursuit of a third operation in Canada for De Beers, the Gahcho Kue Project with Joint Venture partner Mountain Province Diamonds.

Add in the launch of De Beers ‘Forevermark’ line of branded diamonds, two global economic recessions, unexpected Care & Maintenance of the Snap Lake Mine, the opening of the world’s largest new diamond mine in 2016 and the announcement of the closure of the Victor Mine in 2019, the story of De Beers in Canada has been a perfect capture of the potential and challenges of the global diamond industry, where it is heading, and how it needs to get there.



A national award-winning Public Relations professional with more than 30 years’ experience in media, community relations, government relations, crisis management and executive communications. Tom joined De Beers in 2006 as the Public & Corporate Affairs Manager for the Victor Project, which moved into production in January 2008 to become Ontario’s first and only diamond mine.

In June 2009, Tom relocated to the corporate office to assume the role of Director of External & Corporate Affairs for De Beers in Canada, later moving to Calgary in 2016 as Head of External and Corporate Affairs when De Beers Canada restructured and opened their Canadian Operational Support Centre. Tom is a Board Member of the Calgary Canadian Public Relations Society Calgary and also Chairs the Public Affairs Committee of the Mining Association of Canada. In 2017, De Beers Canada External and Corporate Affairs was named North American Communications Team of the Year.


Wednesday, 21 February 2018
11:30am – 1:00pm

11:30 am – Registration (doors open)
12:00 pm – Lunch / Presentation and Q&A
1:00 pm – Closing Remarks


Fairmont Palliser Hotel

133 9 Ave SW, Calgary, Alberta
Room: TBD (it will be posted at the entrances of the Palliser)


Register by Friday, February 16, to reserve a seat. Seats are limited so please RSVP soon by replying to if you are interested in attending. Please advise us of any special meal request in your response. This is an excellent networking opportunity.

Please advise of any special meal request in your response.


Cost (pay at the door: Cash or Cheque only):



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