Montreal: Breaking Down Organizational Silos through Normalizing Uncertainty

November 14, 2019 all-day
McGill University
FDA Building
3450 University Street, Montréal
H3A 0E8

En français

CIM MES Montréal, in collaboration with McGill University’s COSMO, are pleased to present:

Bish Chanda

Independent Consultant


who will deliver a presentation on:

Breaking Down Organizational Silos through Normalizing Uncertainty


Abstract: In the COSMO Stochastic Mine Planning Laboratory, uncertainty is considered not to be something negative. This is because mine planners have found ways, due to the advancement in digital technologies, to create opportunities and value by taking advantage of the stochastic nature of orebodies. In the operating context, uncertainty is not well seen because non-homogeneity also produces unpredictability, responsible for creating conflicts, which gives rise to functional silos. Given an uncertain situation, something unplanned always happens in a day-to-day operation without nobody’s fault. In the talk, it is suggested that acceptance of uncertainty can be a positive factor facilitating breaking down the functional silos. This could be a crucial step to shift the collective focus on problem-solving instead of searching for a party to blame for every mishap. Cultural changes should occur to facilitate a paradigm shift by creating trust, mutual respect, and a willingness to co-operate. Based on his EduMine course, the author proposes to institute formal internal supplier-customer relationships to channel the collective drive of an organization to satisfy its internal customers instead of always being on the defensive. By introducing continuous improvement initiatives to facilitate this process, mining companies can unlock hidden sources of savings that had so far eluded them.


BIO: Bish Chanda earned a degree in Civil Engineering from the Indian Institute of Technology and started his mining career in 1967 when he came to Canada. After spending some time in Consulting Engineering offices, Bish joined the Iron Ore Company of Canada (IOC) in 1972 and took his early retirement in 1997 after 25 years of service. He then stared an international consulting career, and in 2002 Bish, along with a few associates, co-founded a listed iron ore development company New Millennium Iron Corp. After taking his retirement from the active service in 2015, Bish is currently acting as an Independent Consultant. Bish has been exposed to organizational behaviour since the Eighties and is an author of an on-line EduMine course titled “Achieving Sustainable Improvement through Behaviour Change.”


Thursday, November 14th, 2019

12:00pm – 1:15pm


Refreshments will be served


McGill University

Room 105, FDA (Frank Dawson Adams) Building, 3450 University Street, Montréal


Adams Building, 3450 University Street (third building on the left as you head North on University Street, between Milton and Sherbrooke), McGill University, Montréal, Québec H3A 0E8

The seminar is complimentary and seats are limited. Register by Tuesday, November 12th, at 12noon to  secure your place. Please RSVP to Lise Chartrand, Secretary, CIM Montréal Branch at or Tel. (514) 425-5553 if you are interested in attending. This is an excellent networking opportunity and there is no charge to attend. So we can best service all who are interested and able to join us at this upcoming event please register for it if you are confident that you are indeed able to attend it. Thank you for your interest and understanding.




Thank you to our sponsor, McGill University’s COSMO (Stochastic Mine Planning Laboratory).

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