Montreal: Join Us & Mining4Beer for a Beer or Two!

February 17, 2020 all-day
McLean's Pub
1210 Peel St
Quebec H3B 2T6

CIM MES et Mining4Beers Montreal vous convie le Lundi, 17 Février 2020 à 17H30 ET au McLean’s Pub (1210 Peel St, Montreal, Quebec H3B 2T6) pour une conférence donnée par:

CIM MES Montreal and Mining4Beers invites you on Monday, February 17, 2020 at 5:30 p.m. ET at McLean’s Pub (1210 Peel St, Montreal, Quebec H3B 2T6) for a conference given by:


François Goulet, M.Sc., P.Geo.

President and Chief Executive Officer, Director,
Harfang Exploration


who will deliver a presentation on:

Ma journée entrepreneuriale dans le secteur minier



Mr. Goulet discutera de son parcours en tant que fondateur de la société Harfang Exploration. Durant cette discussion, il nous présentera ses débuts, ses motivations d’entrepreneur, ses bonnes (et mauvaises) expériences et son approche face aux enjeux de financement. Tout aspirant entrepreneur dans le domaine minier devrait être présent! Notez que des bouchées seront servis.

Nous voulons aussi souligner le travail fantastique de nos partenaires : Women in Mining, l’Université McGill et Polytechnique

Nous voulons aussi, tout particulièrement, souligner le travail de nos partenaires financiers : GoldSpot, Seequent et Abitibi Géophysique

Mr. Goulet will discuss his journey as the founder of Harfang Exploration. During this discussion, he will present his beginnings, his entrepreneurial motivations, his good (and bad) experiences and his approach to funding issues. Any aspiring entrepreneur in the mining industry should be there! Note that appetizers will be served.


Monday, February 17, 2020

5:30 p.m. (EST)


We also want to highlight the fantastic work of our partners: Women in Mining, McGill University and Polytechnique

We would also particularly like to highlight the work of our financial partners: GoldSpot, Seequent and Abitibi Geophysics



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The Management & Economics Society expresses a special gratitude to the following supporters and sponsors for their extraordinary assistance. Please visit them online by clicking on their logos below!

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