Montreal: Where Are We Going in This Handbasket?

April 17, 2019 all-day
McGill University
Room 126
FDA Building, 3450 University Street, Montréal
H3A 0E8

CIM Montréal, in collaboration with CIM MES Montréal and McGill University’s COSMO, are pleased to present:

Lawrence Devon Smith

Principal Consultant, LDSA


who will deliver a presentation on:

Where Are We Going in This Handbasket?


Abstract: The presentation examines things that can go wrong with mining projects from the study phase to full operation and looks at why projects fail. Issues relating to studies, evaluations, capital cost estimates, scheduling, execution and ramp-up are examined. The impacts of corporate strategies and market pressures on project decisions are discussed. Many of these factors have pressured the industry to act too quickly and often result in projects that are less than economic. The presentation discusses how present decisions and pressures will shape mining going forward.


BIO: Lawrence Devon Smith (Larry) is Principal Consultant at LDSA and has been Director of Project Evaluations for Barrick Gold, Vale-Inco, and Rio Algom as well as SNC-Lavalin/Kilborn.

Larry is a mining engineer with over 40 years’ experience in project economic evaluations including scoping and optimization studies, pre-feasibility and feasibility studies, risk assessment, and due diligence. He has published a number of papers on these topics.

Larry teaches Mineral Economics as an adjunct professor at the University of Toronto, the Pontificia Universidad Catolica de Valparaiso in Chile, and Schulich Business School Mining MBA at York University. He has lectured at a number of universities and has given numerous in-house courses and workshops for lawyers, explorationists, financial and accounting professionals, and for First Nations groups.

Larry is on the executive of MES and CIM Toronto, has received the Robert Elver Award for Mineral Economics, is a CIM Distinguished Lecturer, and is a Fellow of CIM.


Wednesday, April 17, 2019
12:15pm – 1:15pm

Refreshments will be served



Registration: 12h15PM
Presentation: 12h30PM
Closing Remarks: 1h15PM


McGill University

Room 126, FDA (Frank Dawson Adams) Building, 3450 University Street, Montréal


Adams Building, 3450 University Street (third building on the left as you head North on University Street, between Milton and Sherbrooke), Montréal, Québec H3A 0E8


The seminar is complimentary and seats are limited. Register by Monday, April 15, at 12noon to secure your place. Please RSVP to Lise Chartrand, Secretary, CIM Montreal Branch at or Tel. (514) 425-5553 if you are interested in attending. This is an excellent networking opportunity and there is no charge to attend. So we can best service all who are interested and able to join us at this upcoming event please register for it if you are confident that you are indeed able to attend it. Thank you for your interest and understanding.




Thank you to our sponsors, CIM Foundation and McGill University’s COSMO (Stochastic Mine Planning Laboratory).



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