Toronto: 2018 Student Day – Career Showcase/Seminar & Student-Industry Luncheon

January 19, 2018 all-day
Ernst & Young LLP
100 Adelaide St W
ON M5H 1S3

Join us for the CIM Toronto Branch & MES 2018 Student Day!

Management and Economics Society of CIM & CIM Toronto Branch

Professional Development Series


Career Showcase/Seminar & Student-Industry Luncheon

Friday, January 19, 2018
8:30am – 2:30pm



Career Showcase & Networking Seminar

8:30am to 12:00pm

Location: Ernst & Young LLP, 100 Adelaide Street West, 31st Floor, Toronto, Ontario


8:30 am  –  Registration/Breakfast
8:45 am  –  Welcome
8:50 am  –  Overview of CIM, MES & Career Moves
9:00 am  –  Rotating Fireside Career Chat
10:10 am  –  Coffee Break
10:30 am  –  Networking Seminar
11:40 am  –  Closing Remarks


Thank you to our sponsor for their generous support:



Followed by:

CIM Toronto Branch: Student-Industry Luncheon

12:00pm to 2:30pm

Location: The National Club, Main Dining Room, 303 Bay Street, Toronto, Ontario


12:00 pm  –  Registration and Networking Reception
12:30 pm  –  Lunch with guest speaker, Roy Slack (President, Cementation Canada Inc.)
1:15 pm  –  Presentation, entitled “Innovation and Applied Engineering in the Mining Industry: Two Case Studies”, and Q&A
1:45 pm  –  Networking Reception


Presentation Title: Innovation and Applied Engineering in the Mining Industry: Two Case Studies

A brief commentary on innovation in the mining industry will be followed by an overview of two recent innovative solutions, one in use and one in development. A Borehole shaft system was an innovative approach that has now been installed at the Young Davidson mine and is deemed as a success by all. Injection Hoisting was a winner at the #Disrupt Mining competition in 2017 and is under development at this time. The focus of the talk will be on the challenges and progress of development and application of each innovation.

Guest Speaker: Roy Slack, President, Cementation Canada Inc.

Roy Slack is a professional engineer with over 35 years of experience in mine construction, design, and development, on projects throughout North America and around the world. He is the Incoming President Elect of CIM and a member of the Toronto Branch of the CIM. In 1998 he started Cementation’s operations in North America as President. Cementation is a mine contracting and engineering firm that provides design-build and construction management services to the mining sector. Today Cementation is one of the largest mine contractors in North America and part of one of the largest mine contracting organizations in the world, the Cementation Group. In 2017 the company was recognized as a Gold Winner of Safest Employer in Canada in the natural resources sector.


Registration Details

Registration by January 16, 2018: $50 Toronto Members; $65 Non-Members; and $20 Students

Registration after January 16, 2018: $65 Toronto Members; $80 Non-Members; and $35 Students

Click: HERE

Space is limited so register early!


2018 Student Day is a joint effort by Management and Economics Society (MES) of CIM and the CIM Toronto Branch.

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For more information on CIM Toronto Branch, please visit, join us on LinkedIn by clicking HERE, or contact us at

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CIM MES Supporters and Patrons

We at CIM MES would not be able to accomplish everything we do throughout Canada and beyond, annually, without the generous backing of our partners, sponsors, supporters, and volunteers.

The Management & Economics Society expresses a special gratitude to the following supporters and sponsors for their extraordinary assistance. Please visit them online by clicking on their logos below!

To learn about financial sponsorship opportunities, how you can support us or how to partner up with MES for an event please contact us. Thank you!