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    Upcoming Events

    all-day Canadian Mining Valuation Standa...
    Canadian Mining Valuation Standa...
    Jan 29 all-day
    Canadian Mining Valuation Standards and Guidelines (CIMVAL) — An Overview and International Perspectives
    For its Wednesday, January 29, 2025, Discussion Group seminar, CIM’s Management and Economics Society is pleased to welcome: Keith Spence, MBA, Hons BSc, FCIM CEO and Partner, Global Mining Capital Co-Chair, CIM Committee for Valuation[...]

    CIM MES Supporters and Patrons

    We at CIM MES would not be able to accomplish everything we do throughout Canada and beyond, annually, without the generous backing of our partners, sponsors, supporters, and volunteers.

    The Management & Economics Society expresses a special gratitude to the following supporters and sponsors for their extraordinary assistance. Please visit them online by clicking on their logos below!

    To learn about financial sponsorship opportunities, how you can support us or how to partner up with MES for an event please contact us. Thank you!