CIM MES: National Chapter

Management and Economics Society

The Management and Economics Society of CIM was originally formed as the Mineral Economics Committee of CIM in 1973. Then, in 1992, it became a fully-fledged Society. The Mineral Economics Society changed its name to the Management and Economics Society of CIM in May 2004 in order to encompass others in the mining and energy industry sectors who may not have a technical background.

MES provides a home within the CIM organization for industry professionals whose focus is economics, finance, and management. Members are from all areas of professional endeavour, including senior management, geology, engineering, metallurgy, environmental, law, accounting, taxation, banking, investments, academia, government, human resources, social development, consultancy, insurance, and many more. All are welcome!

The Management and Economics Society sponsors various educational and social events across Canada and internationally that provide industry professionals with the opportunity to network and share experiences, insights, and ideas on topics relating to the economics, management, and financial aspects of the business. Keep up to date by checking us out often at:

The Society also provides financial support to various university educational initiatives and programs.

CIM MES has played a leading role in the development of standards and definitions used in the mining industry as well as supporting the publication of several CIM reference volumes. Specifically, MES has taken a leadership position within CIM on important industry issues through the Ore Reserves Committee and the Mineral Property Valuation Committee (CIMVal).

Network! To receive information about our national MES events and activities throughout Canada, send your contact information to:


CIM MES Chair (2024–2026)

Jacqueline Allison


CIM MES Vice-Chair (2025–2026)



A list of Chairs of the Mineral Economics Society and then the Management and Economics Society over the years can be found HERE.


CIM MES Past Chair (2022–2024)

Carlos da Costa


CIM MES Executive Committee (2025–2026)

Jacqueline Allison

Enkelejda (Leda) Brati  (co-Secretary)

Simona Cara (co-Treasurer)

Carlos da Costa

Jessie Liu-Ernsting

Claudia Mueller

Jeff Plate

Lisa Ross (co-Treasurer)

Surya Sankarasubramanian  (co-Secretary)

Larry Smith

Keith Spence

Jane Spooner


CIM MES National Committees (2025–2026)

Professional Development Committee

MES offers seminars and short courses for corporate in-house professional development to its members, organizations seeking training for their staff, and others. CIM MES also actively works toward furthering education in the various economics, management, and financial aspects of the business.

Our Society uses the collected funds for financial assistance to multiple educational initiatives, including: offering scholarships and programs for students at various universities.

Organizing committee members include:

Jeff Plate  (Co-Chair)

Nigel Fung (Co-Chair)

Syed Saad Ali

Jacqueline Allison

Simona Cara

Carlos da Costa

Roussos Dimitrakopoulos

Erica Lee Garcia

Claudia Mueller

Christopher Schmidt

Emilie Williams


Sponsorship Committee

The Sponsorship Committee solicits and coordinates sponsors for the Society and its activities.

Organizing committee members include:

Vikram Jayaraman (Chair)


Publications / Peer Review Committee

The Committee is composed of industry professionals who oversee the review process for submitted manuscripts before they are published within CIM and other publications.

Organizing committee members include:

Mark Lamoureux  (Chair)

Simona Cara


CIM MES AGM Committee

In addition to technical sessions, CIM MES holds MES-themed sessions (as part of the Management and Finance symposium) at the CIM annual conference and convention in May.

Organizing committee members include:

David Anonychuk (Chair)


Rocks & Stocks Committee

In addition to technical sessions and the annual Management & Finance Day, CIM MES also holds an economics, finance, and management symposium, entitled Rocks & Stocks, each fall in Toronto.

Organizing committee members include:

Claudia Mueller (Co-Chair)

David Anonychuk (Co-Chair)

Nigel Fung (Co-Chair)

Jacqueline Allison

Erica Lee Garcia

Jessie Liu-Ernsting

Larry Smith

Emilie Williams

CIM Toronto Branch

Hrayr Agnerian

Carrie Boutilier

Sasan Maleki

Gordana Slepcev


Discussion Group Committee

These gatherings offer attendees information and discussion on topical issues in the fields of mine and energy economics, finance, and management. Participants hear leading experts speak on relevant topics and current issues facing these industries in an informal setting. The Discussion Group is held throughout Canada and internationally, from September until June, on the fourth Wednesday of every month.

The Discussion Group meetings are excellent networking opportunities. All are welcome!

Organizing committee members include:

Carlos da Costa (Chair)

Jacqueline Allison

Simona Cara

Andrea Cheung

Arnab De

Roussos Dimitrakopoulos

Jessie Liu-Ernsting

Claudia Mueller

Terry Ortslan

Akoo Patel

Christopher Schmidt


Social Media Committee

The mission of the Social Media Committee is to help promote upcoming events, materials, and resources to better showcase the activities of CIM MES (and, at times, CIM activities) to CIM MES’s / CIM’s members and the public via social media on the internet.

Organizing committee members include:

Simona Cara (co-Chair)

Christopher Schmidt (co-Chair)

Arnab De


Standards & Publications Committee

CIM MES has played a leading role in the development of standards and definitions used in the mining industry as well as supporting the publication of several CIM reference volumes:

STANDARDS AND GUIDELINES FOR VALUATION OF MINERAL PROPERTIES, Special Committee of CIM on Valuation of Mineral Properties (CIMVal), February 2003

CIM DEFINITION STANDARDS – FOR MINERAL RESOURCES AND MINERAL RESERVES, prepared by the CIM Standing Committee on Reserve Definitions, December 2005

Special Volume 55 – MINERAL AGREEMENTS AND ROYALTIES, by Karl J.C. Harries

Special Volume 56 – MINERAL RESOURCES/RESERVES AND VALUATION STANDARDS, a compilation of reference text and standards.

INTERNATIONAL MINERAL PROPERTY VALUATION STANDARDS, Special Committee of CIM on Valuation of Mineral Properties (IMVal), July 2016

Organizing committee members include:

Keith N. Spence (co-Chair)

Carlos da Costa

Adrian Forsyth

Michael R. Samis



National Chapter

CIM MES Supporters and Patrons

We at CIM MES would not be able to accomplish everything we do throughout Canada and beyond, annually, without the generous backing of our partners, sponsors, supporters, and volunteers.

The Management & Economics Society expresses a special gratitude to the following supporters and sponsors for their extraordinary assistance. Please visit them online by clicking on their logos below!

To learn about financial sponsorship opportunities, how you can support us or how to partner up with MES for an event please contact us. Thank you!