The Toronto Chapter of MES is a leading voice of the mining industry in Toronto and surrounding areas, representing the interests of the mining sector and its members. With a continually growing membership, our mandate is threefold – INFORMATION, EDUCATION, and NETWORKING.
The Toronto MES Chapter also serves as the national home of CIM MES where various Committees have been established to oversee the Society’s ongoing initiatives across Canada and internationally. Local and cyber chapters are at the core of how CIM MES serves its members.
Management and Economics Society
The Management and Economics Society of CIM was originally formed as the Mineral Economics Committee of CIM in 1973. Then, in 1992, it became a fully-fledged Society. The Mineral Economics Society changed its name to the Management and Economics Society of CIM in May, 2004 in order to encompass others in the mining and energy industry sectors who may not have a technical background.
MES provides a home within the CIM organization for industry professionals whose focus is economics, finance and management. Members are from all areas of professional endeavour, including: senior management, geology, engineering, metallurgy, environmental, law, accounting, taxation, banking, investments, academia, governmental, human resources, social development, consultancy, insurance, and many more. All are welcome!
The Management and Economics Society sponsors various educational and social events across Canada and internationally that provide industry professionals with the opportunity to both network and share experiences, insights and ideas on topics relating to the economics, management and financial aspects of the business. Keep up to date by checking us out often at:
The Society also provides financial support to various university educational initiatives and programs.
CIM MES has played a leading role in the development of standards and definitions used in the mining industry as well as supporting the publication of several CIM reference volumes. Specifically, MES has taken a leadership position within CIM on important industry issues through the Ore Reserves Committee and the Mineral Property Valuation Committee (CIMVal).
Network! To receive information about our local events and activities in Toronto, send your contact information to: